Top 5 Christmas Decor Trends I’m Loving

I’ve seen many debates online about recent Christmas decor trends- some people love the newer, minimalistic styles that all the Instagram and Tiktok influencers are pushing, while some think the colourful, traditional style is cozier. My personal preference is a mix of both! While I still like having some pops of colour and adding all of the Hallmark ornaments my mom gets me to my tree, I have started to incorporate some of the newer styles as well. So, here are the top 5 Christmas decor trends I’m loving this year:

1. Burlap Garnishes

For the last couple of years, I have been looking for a sleek way to upgrade my stairway garland. I tried adding extra lights or little ornaments (which my cat loved, unfortunately) but nothing seemed to look right. This year, I was scrolling through Amazon (as usual) when I came across this burlap ribbon. Not a new idea, but it was the perfect addition to my garland- nothing too extreme but still adds the extra oompf I was looking for.

2. Christmas Tree in a Basket

christmas tree basket, minimal decor, christmas decor, christmas decor trends

No matter how hard I try, I can never seem to fully hide the base of my Christmas tree. I have gone through many different sizes and kinds of tree skirts, yet there is ALWAYS some part of the ugly metal that shows through. This year, I’m hopping on the Christmas tree-in-a-basket trend. I think its the easiest way to hide all of the metal parts of your Christmas tree base while still looking cute and decorative. Try this one from Amazon!

3. Brushed Metal Decorations

This decor trend might be a little more of a personal choice, but I really love the look of metal decorations. I’m usually more of a gold gal rather than silver, but something about this brushed metal tree makes me want to add more. Some people might consider it “cold,” but I think it balances everything out! Mine is a find from HomeSense, but you can see other options at Home Depot and CB2.

4. Ceramic Christmas Villages

ceramic Christmas villages, Christmas decor trends

Okay so mini ceramic villages are definitely NOT a new Christmas decor trend, but I have been seeing them EVERYWHERE this year! While the traditional sets are a lot more detailed and colourful, I’m loving these more minimal-looking designs. With some fairy lights and some fake snow or a garland around them? Adorable. For my Canadian readers, Indigo has some really cute houses. If you’re looking to splurge, West Elm has a cute set and so does Pottery Barn. Take a look at Amazon if you’re looking for something cheaper!

5. Less is More

christmas decor trends, ornament

This might purely be me being lazy, but I’m loving the way my house looks with fewer decorations up this year. I tend to overdo things to a point where it looks tacky, so I decided to scale it back this year and just focus on the bigger decorations like my tree and garlands. I have a few knick-knacks here and there, but I really wanted the focus to be on the big guys. Plus, it will make January me very happy when I have to put it all away!

What Christmas decor trends are you loving this year? Leave a comment down below and let me know!

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November 29, 2022